Unpronounceable medicines and Olive Oyl

Well, the Cytarabine has been dripping into my veins for a couple of hours now, I was mistaken about the second medicine, which is Idarubicin (I'll bet you could stump some folks at a spelling bee with those names). The Idarubicin is actually delivered by IV push, but at a rather slow rate. My first dose of that one was the first to go in. Then they started the Cytarabine via IV drip. The whole process is metered by a special pump on the IV stand. I will be connected to this lash-up for seven days, it's like getting a new friend that you're not so sure you like, but you have to hang out together for a week. Ah, here's my skinny friend now. I call her Olive Oyl. We go everywhere together. She's a bit of a bother, but they tell me she is going to be a life saver in the end. The chemo experience so far seems like just an inconvenience. They tell me that I am just embarking on a roller coaster ride of messed up bowel habits, periodic fevers, nausea...you know, all t...