T+113 A time for work and a time for leisure





Std. Range














What to do, what to do? There are seasons in life when we find ourselves inundated with things to do. Our homecoming thirteen days ago was a thrilling day to be sure. We are still pinching ourselves to make sure we are not dreaming. But once we got home, it seems like we hit the ground running. There was unpacking to do.  That took about an hour,  but the putting away took several days. 

On the day after our return, I replaced the ignition coil pack on cylinder number four in our (not so) trusty Ford (see T+107 Ignition coil pack part 2 ). Then if you read that last post, you will know that on Tuesday last week, we got the news that our (not so) trusty Ford was on life support and needed an engine transplant. Since we have already had one transplant in the family, we opted out of that activity. Instead, we spent the next several days trying to make  funeral arrangements for the old girl. The funeral was on Saturday, when we sold her to CarMax. 

On Monday this week we called our favorite auto broker and began the search for a replacement. We're so fickle. The same afternoon, Syd called us with a lead on a lightly used Honda Passport, which was one of the models we were considering. Tuesday morning we hopped into Black Beauty (our 2014 Nissan Titan pickup) and headed for Vancouver to see our potential new ride. The dealership where Syd had directed us is actually one of 11 owned by the same company and in the same plaza. 

We were met by the General Sales Manager, who arranged for us to work with one of his sales staff. The car we were to see, was front and center outside the door of the showroom. As we looked it over, we were impressed with its condition and the comfort of the seating. Of course, the next step was a test drive. More positive impressions. The Honda was actually number three on our list of candidates, but we were quickly warming to it. Based on Jill's research online, we really thought we wanted a Kia Sorento. 

As luck would have it, the sister Kia dealership was across the street. It was less than 15 minutes, I believe, before we were test driving the Sorento. Wow! It is quick off the line. On the other hand, it didn't feel as solid and quiet as we had hoped, and after the test drive Jill and I both were sold on the Honda. The nice thing about dealing with a broker is that there is no haggling over price, and the price out the door was even better than we had hoped. 

Now, buying a car, under any circumstances, comes with a bit of stress. In this case it was mainly the stress of sitting on tall chairs at a little bistro table in the show room, while the wheels of credit checks and two (count 'em, two) pitches for extended warranties ground on. Finally all the paper work was in order, and Jill got into the driver's seat. 

After an uneventful (except for the perpetual traffic jam in Wilsonville) drive home, she parked our new (to us) Blue Beauty in the driveway, so the neighbors, who knew about our quest, could admire her. 

Ah, but the transaction was not complete. Yesterday, we had to go to DMV and obtain a VIN Inspection form to be mailed back to the dealer, in accordance with Washington State law. While Jill went into DMV to get the form, I sat in the car avoiding exposure to things an immunocompromised person is not supposed to be exposed to. I made good use of the time learning about certain features of the Honda and discovering where to plug in the thumb drive that contains our personal music library. 

Then we had to contact our car insurance agent to get the insurance policy switched from our *(not so) trusty *(but now history) Ford to the Honda. And finally we mailed a check to Syd for his services. During the afternoon yesterday, we loaded stuff from the (*) Ford into the Honda. 

After lunch, I got out my new flash brewing kit and brewed up a batch of IPA, and when that was completed, we made a drive to Monmouth for a curbside grocery pickup. Then I called to set up appointments for the first of my immunizations, and the rest of the day we just wasted in idleness.

This morning we went for a walk around the 'hood. It was a lovely morning for walking, and we made exceptional time. I realized that I am feeling so good that it's almost like being well! As we walked, we chatted about this and that, just enjoying each other's company. The subject of what we will do today came up...we were pretty stumped. Jill finally said she would prep meals and do dishes (I am a very fortunate fellow), and I said I will check the beer to see if it is beginning to ferment. And then crickets. I think we  are going to enjoy a day off. 

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens...

 a time to keep and a time to throw away... 

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.(Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6, 12,13)




  1. What a beautiful car and Jill is quite the show girl modeling the "new to you" car. I'm glad it all went so smoothly. :-) Donalynn

  2. Tell Jill to watch her speed...heh!


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