T+29 Zowie!




Std. Range














Zippadee Doo Dah! Today's labs are amazing! The last time my Hemoglobin was as high as 10.7 was on December 7, 2023. My platelets are back in the normal range, and my ANC shot up from 1340 on Monday to 3140, also well into the normal range. Once again, this is all John Dillinger's work. (See yesterday's post) This morning's labs included a lot of research related draws. I believe the nurse drew ten or a dozen vials. 

Following the blood draws, we had a visit from Tracey, NPF. She is part of Dr. Meyers' staff and has been covering for Dr. Meyers with us, while Dr. Meyers is doing her rotation at the 14K (transplant) unit at OHSU  hospital. Tracey seemed to be impressed with the lab results today. 

Jill has been stressing a bit about my upcoming Bone Marrow Biopsy (BMBx), and she asked Tracey what she thought the chances are that the BMBx would show signs of leukemia. She replied, "With blood counts like these, I would say very slim." I think that did a lot to calm Jill's concerns. In yesterday's post I mentioned that I was not sure what all Dr. Meyers would be looking for in the BMBx. Tracey said one thing they look at is the genetic ratio of donor marrow cells to my remaining marrow cells. At some point that ratio should be 100%. In other words, my marrow should be completely replaced by the donor marrow. That would be a very good thing, because my marrow cells are the ones that produced the leukemia cells. So, we look forward to learning more from the biopsy results. 

We are thrilled at the progress to date, and give all the glory to our Lord and Savior. 




  1. I'm doing the happy dance now!! :-) Donalynn

  2. SO happy to hear!


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