T+13 Blessings beyond belief




Std. Range














Just feast your eyes on that Box Score. My ANC is no longer missing in action (MIA). It took a big jump overnight, and the attending oncologist expects it to go up again overnight. The really good news is that these blood cells are being produced by my new bone marrow, and they are coming on strong. 

Thank you to all the prayer warriors who have been diligently at work lifting me up to our Heavenly Father for His blessing. And thanks to anyone who sang my fight song from yesterday's post. 

The battle is far from over. I will need to be seen two to three times a week in the Knight Cancer Center clinics for supportive therapy to monitor me for graft versus host disease (GVHD), which is a big concern, since my donor was not a perfect match. I will have another Bone Marrow Biopsy (BMBx) in about three weeks to check for any signs of leukemia. Dr. Meyers told us that the worst complication post transplant would be if there should be a relapse of the leukemia. 

But for now, we are rejoicing in how well I have weathered the transplant regimen and in the prospect of moving from the hospital to Marquam Manor for a more "normal" lifestyle. We will still need to quarantine a good deal and take strict precautions to avoid any kind of infection for at least 100 days until my new immune system is fully developed. Then I will need to receive all the vaccinations I have previously received, because after the process of removing my old immune system, the antibodies I once had will need to be replaced. 

One of my favorite things about Scripture is that it contains so many names for our Creator. A couple of my favorites are Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Shall Provide (Genesis 22:13-14), and Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord Who Heals (Exodus 15:22-26). 

I am awestruck by how well the Lord has provided for us during the past three years of this journey. Not only have we had amazingly talented and dedicated doctors, nurses and support staff, but thanks to God's provision of amazing health insurance, there has been very little out of pocket expense. Even our rent at Marquam Manor will be covered virtually completely. But even that is eclipsed by the dedication and support of our friends, neighbors and church family. We could not have been provided with any better, more caring people to watch over us. 

We are also amazed at the way, that Jehovah-Rapha has continued to provide healing, not only for my body, but for our hearts as we have faced a frightening diagnosis and multiple relapses. And now there is evidence that the transplant is working and my new bone marrow is producing blood cells as intended. I am being healed by the Lord Who heals through the efforts of countless loving, caring, talented and dedicated people and because Jehovah-Rapha has seen fit to reveal to mankind medicines and treatments that are effective and available through modern medical science. 

My discharge date is pretty sure to be tomorrow, May 22, 2024, bang on the schedule that Dr. Meyers outlined for us. That fact is thanks to the tireless efforts of the staff, and not just because that was scheduled on the calendar. There are five criteria that must be fulfilled before discharge: 1) no fevers or skin rash, 2) proper excretory functions, 3) ability to consume food and water without nausea or vomiting, 4) the ability to perform normal mobility, and 5) ANC above 500. 

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of the white blood cell (WBC) count, because if the count is too low it is impossible to differentiate among the various types of WBCs. In the past three days, my WBC count rose from 0.11 to 0.13 to 0.84; an increase of nearly 800%! In part the increase is fueled by a drug called Filgrastim, which stimulates WBC production, but the other part is a strong bone marrow tissue. At this point both components seem to be working well. I will continue to receive Filgrastim until my ANC reaches 1500, which could be a matter of a couple of days. 

So, it appears that all systems are go, from the God Who heals, to Dr. Meyers who developed my treatment plan, to the attending physicians and the amazing nursing staff who have executed the treatment plan, to my incredible wife who will now be tasked with looking after me 24/7, getting me to appointments, and keeping our apartment clean and free of potential sources of infection. I'm humbled just thinking about all of these blessings, let alone living them. 






  1. This is such incredible news Tom. I'm jumping up and down at the thought of you leaving the confines of the hospital because you are doing so remarkably well. Prayers continue on all fronts. Donalynn

  2. The most excellent news! Love you!


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