Changing seasons

In our entryway hangs a painting by Sam Toft. Sam is one of our favorite artists because of her whimsy and her unique style. We have several of her works (well, prints, actually). The painting I refer to is one of a set of four depicting the seasons of the year. The one currently on display is Spring. I was supposed to change it out for the Summer painting on the summer solstice, June 20, 2021. We have a dear friend who says he counts on our season painting to keep him straight on which season we are currently in. I didn't change the Spring painting to the Summer, because by June 20th I was feeling pretty rotten and didn't know why. I just couldn't muster the strength or the desire to make the change. Five days later I landed in the hospital with a diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. (It just occurred to me the irony that I didn't put up the summer painting, and I didn't really have a summer, at least not like the ones I have known.) This morning Jill and I had a...