Revelation in the night

 As I lay in bed last night, I did some praying and got a revelation. This journey I am on with my body is something like a baptism. When I was baptized into Christ, I was placed under water as a symbol of being buried with Christ as my old life passed away and I was cleansed of my sin. Then I was raised out of the water to eternal life,  just as Jesus was raised from the dead to reign forever at the right hand of Father God. 

It was revealed to me, my treatment here in the hospital is similar. The chemotherapy is gradually killing off my old diseased bone marrow, cleansing my body of the disease. Then my body will grow new healthy bone marrow, restoring life to my body. 

Every analogy breaks down, and I understand that there are big differences here. For example, even when my body is cleansed of the disease, it will not live forever, whereas my soul will live forever in harmony with and in the company of my Heavenly Father. I think the Lord gave me this insight to help me understand what it is He is up to in allowing me to go through this trial. 

In the Book of James, the Apostle wrote:  "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4, emphasis added). Well, this is certainly a trial, but I can see in it the goodness of God strengthening my faith. Jesus Himself had a trial on the cross, but He was willing to endure it for the joy that would follow, as He opened the door for anyone who wanted to follow Him to paradise to do so. In a similar way, I am enduring this trial for the joy it will bring me in being more like Him. 

This may be too "religious" for some of you. It is not meant to offend, but rather to offer you some insight into where my mind and heart are going as the story unfolds.


  1. Your Walk of faith strengthens the rest of us. Walking this road with you from here in expectant faith and hope for your full restoration to health.


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