Imagination is a wonderful thing

 After my comment that, perhaps, my beard will disappear, but hair will grow back on the top of my head, our dear son was kind enough to offer some renditions of what that might look like. 

First he mentioned a curly afro:  

I actually had a perm back in the seventies, when that was a thing, that looked a lot like this. 

His next offering was long flowing blonde hair:

I think I would have to change my name to Mr. Godiva.

Then he got on a roll with the flowing blond hair thing. 

First is a bit shorter than Mr. Godiva:

Then, he added a few accoutrements:

And finally, he turned me into a wizard:

I don't hate this one. Looks kinda dignified, don't you think? 
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
    the fruit of the womb a reward. (Psalm 127:3) 

I am blessed with three wonderful kids. Thank you, Lord.


  1. Your son has a great sense of humor. I think he sounds like a keeper.
    Donalynn :-)


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